My website allows customers to buy luxury wallets. There are currently three brands to choose from, Montblanc, Bellroy and Louis Vuitton. There is a navigation bar where users can jump through the different brands for the particular product they are looking for and a cart that holds all the user’s information that is relevant to what is needed on the website.
My intention was to implement all of the features that I had planned to apply to my pages, but I was not able to accomplish this because I had a cookie issue that I had difficulty resolving, which left me unable to accomplish the task at hand.
My website provides a minimalistic design, which I always like I because it feels very simple and less cluttered. I thought I would have a hard time making the navigation bar, but it worked perfectly. The best part of my system is the seamless transition between pages and the way items 1n the cart are saved within the session after they are added. The previous items you added to the cart will still be there if you go back to the products and add more items.
My only wish was to discover why the email was not sent to the user’s email address. I spent a lot of time debugging and researching to find what the problem was, but I was not able to find out what it was in time. I also had a lot of incomplete features that I wish I had time to figure out.
There is no doubt that it would have been a lot easier if I had started from scratch because I ended up cutting and pasting a lot of code and a rewriting quite a bit of code due to this. The use of cookies and sessions made it much easier for me to keep track of user data and quantities requested by the user.
As a first step, I would search for the line of code that is the problem. Most of the time, it is just a syntax error or something I mispelled, so I would start there. When I finally see that there are no wn syntax errors in my code, I begin to do more research on the internet to make sure that I am writing it correctly. I have searched on the internet for solutions to problems many times when I encountered them.
Despite the fact that we added different kinds of products and that the products data. ¡son file format was changed, the implementation of the navigation bar was surprisingly easy, and also the assignment of three examples was extremely helpful when it came to implementing the cart and displaying the products.
During the assignment, one of the issues I had I was copying code from the internet that I did not fully understand. It is true that we were urged to avoid doing this, but I still find myself copying code and rewriting it so that it will work with my code when I am experiencing difficulty and frustrated.
As a result of completing assignment 3, I gained a great deal a of knowledge regarding cookies and sessions, two of which are crucial to tracking user information, such as their names and usernames, as well as the items they have in their carts. also found that the sessions made it easier for me to keep track of the items that were in the user’s cart throughout the course of the assignment because they allowed me to keep track of them.
The reflection I wrote for assignment three is very similar to my reflection for assignment two. If I could go back in time, I would get help sooner and not get so frustrated if things don’t work out. If I could do things differently in the past, I would have sought help sooner. My first attempt t fix coding errors was to search online for answers, but while I sometimes found answers online, I also became more confused as a result.
This is similar to what I did in assignment 2, where I spent I about half of the time deciding how to implement the code in order to satisfy the requirements that were provided to me. In regards to the code that I wrote and the code that I deleted, I think that it took about 10% of my time to write or delete it since I didn’t have to worry about it for a long time after I thought about what I needed to do to put it into or to delete it, so it didn’t take me very long to do so. Testing and debugging my code took me about 40% I of my time, and I did run into some issues with it as well.
I worked on this assignment on my own.